Saturday, November 26, 2011

Panic! at the Disco--Vices and Virtues Review

Artist: Panic! At The Disco
CD title: Vices & Virtues
Release Date: March 18, 2011
Genre: Pop, rock, alternative pop rock, dance
How I Got It: Bought
Sounds like: Their first CD...and their second CD. (People keep comparing them to FOB but I don't get WHY.)
Favorite song: Always, The Ballad of Mona Lisa, Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)
Makes you wanna: Daaance and sing along.
Best to listen to: In the car.

Jamie hates these guys. I don't know why she does, ask her. All I know is that I pretty much love Panic! at the Disco.

Their first CD (A Fever You Can't Sweat Out) was full of alternative-electro-poppy-dance tunes that everyone loved. Which is why everyone was shocked when they decided to change their sound in their next CD (Pretty. Odd.) to some kind of Beatles-rip off band. I'm among the few that actually liked Pretty. Odd. I think. It wasn't as good as the first CD, but I didn't think it was bad either. There were actually a few songs that I really liked.

Well, after two of the band members left and the ! after the word "Panic" returned, they put out this CD. Honestly, I think those two band members leaving was the best thing that could've happened to this band, because this CD's much better than Pretty. Odd.

In many ways, it's like the two CDs had a baby. A much more mature baby. It's this CD's maturity that makes this the band's best release yet, I think. The edgy, dark tones are much more present in this than they were in the last CD, and I think it's that that I'm most grateful for.

Favorite song: Always, The Ballad of Mona Lisa, Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)

At first listen, Always sounds like a happy love song. It is, in fast, a really effing depressing love song. And I love it. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

The Ballad of Mona Lisa is the first song I heard from this CD, and after I heard it and it was stuck in my head all day I broke my own rule and bought it. It was a need, not a want, a need. I love this song; it's energetic and perfect to sing along to.

Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) is completely different than any of the other songs on the CD. It's suave and smooth but also full of Panic!'s infamous electronic sound. Basically, that song is my jam.

Makes you wanna: Daaance and sing along.


Best to listen to: In the car.

Maybe it's just because my mom, brother, and sister (she texted me one day proclaiming her love for them, and acted like I'd never heard of them after I'd had their CDs for twenty years. It was weird) all love this band too, but it's a perfect car CD. It makes you feel like you're on the top of the world and it's great. This CD is great. Pick it up if their second CD disappointed you.


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