Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Dilemma With Coldplay

So when Viva La Vida ruled the world, I bought the CD.

Annnnd instantly regretted it.

Violet Hill is an amazing song, but it's the only amazing song on that CD, in my opinion.

But now I love Paradise and Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall, but I can't buy it cause I know I'll regret it.

...That's it.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Review: Fences

Artist: Fences
CD title: Fences (Self-titled)
Genre: Alternative/Indie/Acoustic/SHOEGAZE/GRIME (No clue what those last two are, but it was on their FB page, sooo...)
How I Got It: My mom bought it after hearing one song and thinking Mansfield's voice was hot.
Sounds like: The Shins, Elliott Smith, a little bit of The Smiths, a more mature Apaty Eulogy, or a stripped down Jack's Mannequin, maybe?
Favorite song: Girls With Accents, Hands
Makes you wanna: Cry and/or sing-along.
Best to listen to: ALL THE TIME.

I feel like 2010 was The Year of Mumford and Sons in the alternative music world. Which, y'know, is great. I love Mumford. But I do feel like a lot of other great new artists got over-looked in the Mumford and Sons haze, and Fences is definitely one of them. Somebody explain to me why Fences isn't bigger than they (he?) are?

Fences is the music alias of one Christopher Mansfield, a guy who has obviously been through his fair share of crap. But none of his lyrics come off as over-dramatic or emo. Instead, each of his songs are raw and honest and easy to relate to.

Favorite song: Girls With Accents, Hands

I absolutely ADORE all of the songs on this CD. It had been way to long until I felt that with a CD before Fences came into my life, and it was so spectacular to have that feeling again.

But if I had to choose between all of these heartfelt, and catchy, songs, I'd have to pick Girls With Accents and Hands. Girls With Accents is by far the most up-beat song on the CD, but it doesn't sacrifice the wonderful lyricism to be up-beat. And I think everyone can relate to the God I F*** Up Everything feeling.

Hands really gets to me though, on an emotional level. I listened to it on repeat because at one point it just fit my life really ridiculously well (to me, it means someone that your close to leaving you unexpectedly), and I have no doubt that that will happen to me again, and Hands will be there for me again.

Makes you wanna: Cry and/or sing-along.

Depending on what mood you're in, Mansfield's stripped down songs will make you bawl, or wanna sing along. I'm not sure how to describe how the two fit together but...they do.

Best to listen to: ALL THE TIME.

I listen to it while reading, doing chores, in the car, and while falling asleep. When I say all the time, I mean ALL THE TIME. I think it's impossible for me to get sick of this CD. You must listen to it to decide for yourself, though. (No seriously, go listen to it.)


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I love CDs.

I don't get why no one ever buys them anymore! You get the cover art...and the CD itself...and that satisfaction of handing over the money for it and walking out of the store with the physical's awesome!

I mean, don't get me wrong, MP3s are awesome too. They're much more convenient and you can carry them around much easier on this little device and you don't have to worry about buying batteries you just charge it and it magically works.

But CDs PWN.

Just sayin'.

I shall review soon. But until then, you're just going to have to deal with the rambles.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Frightened Rabbit--Backwards Walk

I swear I am posting a review soon. I just am trying to find a good cd to review. But while you're waiting, listen to this.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Cause Jess loves them OH so much. Especially these, which are so not her type of music.
Always have some Maroon 5 in my playlist. Always. They're always so great, and upbeat. Even their VERY poppy new stuff I love. Just because they're them.

I think Jess may actually like this one. Yes, it was in a commercial. I can't remember if it was in a commercial for their new CD, or if it was a random one.... Another great song by them is "Boston" which is a very played song on my MP3 player.

The Script. I really don't need to elaborate.

I'm really not a big Coldplay fan. This and Viva La Vida are the only songs I like by them.

For you Jess.

Yes, they are overrated. But I still like them. And this song is amazing, you have to admit.

And finally, last but always first in my heart.
Most. Amazing. Cover. Ever.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Coconut Records--West Coast

(I linked to the video cause I don't know how else to do it, but I have no idea if the video's any good cause I didn't watch it cause I hate music videos. But the song's really catchy in that classic indie-music way. I doubt Jamie would like it, but maybe? Huh. She'll probably text me her answer.)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So Jamie Told Me I Needed To Post An Intro.

I can't stick to a genre of music.

I started with top 40s crap.

Then it--somehow--turned into top 40s rock crap.

Then screamo.

Then punk.

Then alternative.

Then indie.

And now I still listen to each of these except the top 40s. I mean, I try to not even listen to the radio at all anymore. Except Sirius, but that doesn't count. ANYWAYS. I can't help it. I'm always trying to find a new sound that I love and a new meaning to a word that only a singer's voice can properly convey.

And two years ago, I started a book blog. It has helped me understand and discover new books in a way I never could've without it. So that's why i wanted to start this. That and it sounded fun.

I won't be able to really post here til Monday, though. I'm at the beach on vacation and I don't really feel like starting something new and good here. Or reviewing cds.



Monday, October 3, 2011

Jamie's First Ramble (on this blog, Not ever. Jamie has rambled many, many, many times. Jamie is a rambler. Just like how she's rambling ((in 3rd person, which is just weird)) in this blog tite. Deal.): Intro and Holiday Music

Haha, sorry, Jess, I think I just lost all our potential readers with that title. I'm just awesome like that.

So my name is Jamie (duh). I'm obsessed with music, books, bad movies (and some good, but mostly bad), and rambling. I really love to write, like REALLY love to write. Music is quite possibly my favorite thing to write (ramble) about along with books, hence this blog (that, and Jess wanted to do a music blog, but wanted a partner. Yay me!) Anyway, on to my ramble.

So it's getting cold outside. REALLY, REALLY, REALLY cold. It's too cold in my opinion. And yes, it's only 50 degrees outside. The cold sucks. It sucks hard. (TWSS!) The only thing I like about cold weather is hot chocolate and hoodies. I don't like long pants. I don't like having to wear closed toed shoes. I don't like having to go to Mass with my mom's family (I don't mind church, I mind Mass. There's a difference. Trust me.) And I ESPECIALLY don't like holiday music. AT ALL. Every year it seems like every other artist and their mother has to come out with a Christmas, or just holiday, album. And every year it's all the SAME songs, the SAME sound....just different voices and genres. They all use the same music. They all sing the same music. And they all annoy the $#!+ out of me. I just don't get it.

Especially when rock artists go do it! It's like....WHY!? All year long they have this "I don't give a f**k attitude".....and Christmas music has got to be the BIGGEST contradiction to that. Especially when the screamo bands do it. No offense to anyone, but there's nothing funnier then a guy in black make-up, skinny jeans and snake bites is screaming, "We wish you a merry Christmas". Biggest. Contradiction. Ever.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, and the holidays in general. I just....don't like holiday music.

It drives me frickin nuts. It doesn't help that the day after Thanksgiving the radio plays it nonstop.... Reason #24,957 to stop listening to the radio.

How was that for a first ramble?